Age is just a number

Andrew Barbara
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

“Tryna catch a case”

I don’t care what others say. You may be younger but that doesn’t mean anything. I still love you, and care for you more than just a friend. I thought these feelings would have gone away by now but it seems I just can’t get over you. I tried, I really did. You know what’s funny? I still can’t figure out what it is about you that attracts me to you! I don’t know if it’s your looks, personality, voice, smile, or simply just the way you continue to play with my emotions and give me hope? Speaking of; why do you play with me like that? I’m trying to figure out why you’ll grab my hand once in a while, or why you do the little things you do that make me think maybe you do like me? I am coming to the conclusion that you actually don’t care about me at all you simply just like the attention I give you. Then again, I wanna say you actually do care about me just because I know you are a very caring, kind and generous person. I don’t think your intentions are to hurt me, but whether those are you intentions or not, I am so hurt. I am broken by you, and by the fact that we will never be a thing. It hurts so fucking bad when you are completely in love with someone, and they sometimes act like they couldn’t care less if you were on this earth a second longer. I get so hurt, and a little jealous when I see other bitches flirt with you. What hurts even more is that you will flirt back. You will go along with it sometimes right in front of me, and while I am seem okay, I am crumbling on the inside. I don’t think I’ll be getting over this little crush anytime soon; unfortunately. I am so happy when I’m around you. I get a little anxious as well just because I want to be nothing but perfect when I’m around you. I wish I was what you are looking for. I know I have to get over this and just let go for the sake of my mental health- which is in complete shambles by the fact that you will never like me in that way. I think I’ll be okay. I’ll have to be okay.

